Welcome to Flask-WebSub’s documentation!

Flask-WebSub is an implementation of a WebSub hub, publisher and subscriber as a Flask extension. The implementation is meant to be used as a library that can be integrated in a larger application.

The components are split up into multiple packages, so you don’t necessarily have to use all three. It is for example possible to use the subscriber implementation with an external hub. To learn how to use this package, take a look at the Examples and API pages.

Further information

For more about WebSub, see its specification: https://www.w3.org/TR/websub/

Github: http://github.com/marten-de-vries/Flask-WebSub

PyPI: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Flask-WebSub

Useful to know

If you use both the publisher and hub package in the same app, you benefit from autodiscovery of the hub url.

Using the flask_websub.hub package requires celery.

Indices and tables